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How to be Driven From Within

THE KEY to achieving a balanced, holistic lifestyle that we all desire starts with drive. At A11 Performance, we strive to challenge ourselves in all phases, which means to achieve these lofty goals, being driven from within is required.
That is exactly why we believe we should spend the same time and energy training our brain, mentality and spirituality just as much as we train our physical bodies.
As an organization, we believe that Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the Cross has given us a primary purpose of doing all things to bring glory and honor to His name and make Him known. But in order to achieve the purpose in which Christ sets before us or the goals that we give ourselves, there still needs to be drive and work on our part to achieve successes. 
Cognitive training and developing a winning mindset are critical for both your athletic performance and overall wellness. This starts and ends with you. If you want to be better at what you do, only you can change that. You control the "controllables" in your life, which is the control of your body that God granted us with and the ability to choose.

Here at A11 Performance, we want to help you succeed. To help you succeed ,we listen to your goals and understand your obstacles, then help you develop the mental focus and plan for seeing it through — to challenge the status quo and push through any barrier holding you back from your goals, because you didn’t come this far, to only come this far.

Get started today by building mental toughness and improving cognitive health by reading these tips to be driven from within.


Train your body and your mind. Daily brain exercises and developing a mindfulness routine can make a big difference in our ability to perform. By incorporating brain training into your daily routine, you can help improve your ability to react, stay focused, and recall and memorize information.
Examples of brain training that we suggest are:
  • Reading fictional stories and visualize this story playing out in your head. 
  • Solving Puzzles or Chess games.
  • Positive self talk and motivational speaking.
  • Reactive brain training.
  • TAWG - Time Alone With God/Devotional Time or meditation
  • Develop consistent quality sleep habits
  • Learn new things.
Above all, remind yourself often of the goal you wish to achieve and remember your why. Remember why you want this goal to be achieved and allow this to be the lighthouse in the ocean that you can turn to and look at as a reminder of the destination, but never get too caught up in the destination that you lose sight of the process, the journey and what God has to show you and teach you in this given moment. Lastly, if God is for us, we do not need to be afraid of anything because He is able to do all and conquer all, which should give us all the confidence and drive in the world because of Who is on our side.
"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen"      - Ephesians 3:20-21
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